The grace of perfect danger
To reach beyond limitation
The grace of perfect danger
The vulnerability that exists within
The unspoken truth
The raw emotion
So many hold tight, deep
That nugget of gold
The potential of connection
Only when shared,
When spoken, written,
Witnessed, heard
The grace of perfect danger
Only in the heart of the artist
Those brave enough to speak.
Those authentic enough to admit
While showing those bold enough to hear
Those capable of seeing past judgement
Those who can look into and notice the being
It is in this grace,
This perfect danger,
Where our souls can touch
Where we are heard, held
Understood and related to
Where we see our commonalities, our bond
Of the human race
It is only in this grace of perfect danger
That the words and experience becomes both our own
While becoming shared and experienced by another
The fear becomes power,
The doubt becomes belief,
The hidden becomes exposed
It is in the humble grace of sharing
Only reached in this perfect danger
Tucked in the heart of every person
To unleash into the world to be known.
Bonding those who have the courage to speak
With the recognition of those daring enough to listen

The unfolding of your story and stories are like lights shinning on the path to freedom. Such warmth and wisdom with tender understandings!,