There is a balance
Somewhere in the middle
Between the two different sides of life
The two different sides within.
The internal struggle
The push from the pull
The right from the wrong
The polarity that exists
Among us.
Within us.
The light and the dark
The yin and the yang
The balance only found from the existence of the other
Even the sun burning without the protection of the shade
The water drowning without the shore within reach.
A solid ground to stand
Amid float in the vast sea
The lesson in the mistake
The truth in the lie
The life after death
The love in the loss
The two extremes
Beating to their own distinct drum
Their own reality
Yet a common bond
The connection between the two
One's existence reliant of the other
The fall from grace
The Phoenix
Rising from the ashes
The process in the journey
The pendulum swinging
Right to left
The conflict between the two
The balance felt in moderation
The slightest wane shifting momentum
Throwing it off kilter
In the tiniest shift in motion
Yet the necessity to find the common ground.
To be able so stay on foot, upright, moving forward
To focus on the ties that bind us
Each existing in all of us.
Among us.
Within us.
Our common ground
Unsure of how we all could see
But a yearning instilled in me
To get there someway
A place where we see the other side
To see it exists because of the other
To feel the connection we all crave
Feeling the risk in the chance
A blind leap into faith
A weight in the unknown
Pausing in the doubt
Absorbed in the uncertainty
While existing in the question...
How do we get there?

Beautiful , wise, and profound!