Where is it written
I have to be one thing or another
If the journey is paved
If it is somewhere engraved
What I am supposed to be
Or is the choice up to me
Mine to aspire
Or has it been chosen what I should long for
Etched in stone explaining each desire
Each hunger for affection
The urge to balance the wire
Between right and wrong
What the heart seeks
Where my body belongs
What is the point to not have what I wish
To not taste the juice of a fruit
To not devour each morsel, savor each dish
Why would I want so intensely
If what I desired could not be found
Why dream so grandiose
If the possibility wasn't truly there
If my yearning wasn't realized.
If my craving wasn't declared
Why would it feel so good to touch
If it were forbidden or dismissed as too much
Who chooses what is worthy to trust
What should be kept a pipe dream, what should be determined a must
What gets to claim that huge responsibility
Where is it inscribed what is the best for me
To define what is meant to be,
How things will unfold,
What kind of story is decided or left untold
When I am filled with passion, with heart, with the entirety of me
Why would I feel so deep,
If this yearning couldn't be complete
Why would I fall so hard
If my hopes and dreams could become marred
What is the point, what is the reason,
If not to give life each season
Each emotion,
Each churn
Isn't that what life is about.
To risk, to love, to doubt
But continue to learn
To follow our heart, the human experience
The highs, the lows, the many variance
Written by our own hand, on our own soul
The ability to claim our own destiny
What we are as a whole
Taking the chance on what could be
Deciding what is the worth the risk for eternity

I love the questioning & the way your piece takes me on an existential journey, leaving me with a big question at the end....living in the questions...xo