The beginning
The moment finally arising
The time being now
The moment you have been waiting for
When you say goodbye to who you once were
Acknowledging who you now are
When you accept the change
See it, Feel it
Admit it has happened
When you out grew where you once stood
When you have the faith
The belief, to proceed
To step forward, feeding the need
Out of the shell that no longer fits you
Onto this new ground.
Where you feel both fear and excitement
Because you know
This is where your feet belong
Confident. Capable.
You reached this new beginning
The one you felt coming.
The one you have been waiting for
The one you can’t deny
You must take it
It now alive.
Out of the making
Brewed from your core
You have been preparing its arrival
The once “someday” has become “now”
Right this moment
Built for you
Here at your foot steps
Waiting for you to break the ground you are destined for
The earth you have been built to quake
Leaving behind your story in its wake
To embark on something new
Only meant for you to accomplish
A beginning that can only be defined by you.
There was a beginning. One I waited for. One I prayed for. The ending of a past I felt shackled to. A past I was afraid to flee. Afraid to lose. That I lied to keep. While ironically it was never mine to have. That I only forced and willed to be a part of. Too fearful to ever be on my own.
The moment I was removed I was riddled with panic. Frozen. Ripped out. Taken from the flight or fight. Being trapped was where I found a freedom. It was being completely alone where I felt a release. A relief. Through my sobs, through my blurred and muddled vision, I finally saw an end.
For now I could finally be what I was destined for, instead of what the world told me I should be. I could live a life of my own instead of one for others.
It was finally up to me. The power taken by others. Their control merely a facade.
It was only in my loneliness that I could find myself. In the darkness that I noticed the light.
It was in the raw, the naked, that I saw who I was. It was getting stripped of everything I thought was there to see I had all I needed. It was failing at everything to see how I could succeed. It was a death that gave me life. It was an end, that gave me a beginning. It as being locked away to see I was imprisoned. It was cutting the shackles in my mind that made me free.

Jojo! I love the feeling of energy moving forward in this post and also the acknowledgment of value in all that has come before. That really speaks to me!
I just notice your IG LIVE with Joshua is on your blog, too! That was great to see. Keep it up!