There's a quote referenced that half believe could be a misquotation
A statement made under suspicious intention
One spoken but lost on a nation
One with meaning open to my interpretation
Leaving me questioning what an amazing thought
If this truly was sought
Not just by overseas but
By a country to bond United
To come together instead of being divided
“To let a hundred flowers bloom.
Let a hundred schools of thoughts contend."
If such a slogan came to fruition, more than pretend.
How would it assist the world to mend
A global phenomenon
That could possibly catch on
And spread like a contagion
Could you imagine if we made the room
Amid the fear, the anger that looms,
If we stepped aside and let nature resume
What we would miss out on
If we didn’t allow each to blossom
If to the mass variety we didn't grow accustom
How vacant the world would be of smell and vibrancy
Of colors, of spunk, of potency
The orchids, the lilies, the marigolds
All the beauty each flower beholds
Exposing what each is as their petal unfolds
Revealing the center and all that it holds
Appreciating the pinks, the purples, the blues
We all existing, each a unique hue
In the same garden
As nature intended
All wrapped around each other, harmoniously blended
Into a sea of vast shades
The vision of beauty our land would cascade
Each with a different leaf to turn
Under the same sun, Without a concern
Allowed to grow into the wild.
Not forced in a cage
Each blossoming at its own pace, at its own stage
The tulip, the rose, an aromatic sage
Each a budding into what it needs to be
All feeding the hummingbirds, the honey bees
The insects at last
Each with a purpose, a meaning, a task
A reason for being
How beautiful that could all be.
The violet, the hybrid, the golden poppy,
If we only allowed all flowers to extend free
Each getting nurtured from seed until bloom
Some opening to the sun, some unfolding to the moon
What if we existed as the garden demands
Each grounded on the same land
Each intertwined in each other's roots
While barring it's own budding, it's own mouthwatering fruit
Our commonality of all gazing up to the sky
Not fearing the rain or even a sting
The sun our unified nourishing
Each minding it's own growth, Mindful of its own shade
Moving with the earth, the wind as it sways
Never burdened with concern of one flower over powering the other
Not comparing each pedal against another
Taking care of itself while relishing in the splendor
Of all the many things each flower feeds
The organic beauty of each species seeds
The garden allowing all, not picking out weeds
Each a powerful might the individual flower possesses
Existing as it is without the stresses
Celebrating growth as its successes.
The jasmine, the hydrangeas, the irises
What each flower symbolizes.
What a gift of each, oh the surprises
Standing together, the fragrance that arises
To stop a minute and smell the rose
To see what that might transpose,
What can grow, what can transpire
Think of the humanity we could acquire
If we acted like a plant, more than like man
If we allowed each to stand as they stand
What would our garden look like
If we let each flower bloom
The aroma it would leave for the world to consume
To see the individual beauty instead of assume
One vision as the only way
If there was only one flower, one plant, one sprout
How we would miss what true beauty could come about
If we focused on the magic, instead of presume
To let each bud stem from the womb
How our entire world would feel the doom
If we never ...
"Let a hundred flowers bloom"
