That chaos that consumes
That surrounds you
And attempts to engulf
To devour you
That blows everything around you
Into a unrecognizable flurry
Like a hurricane
A horrific storm
Watching powerlessly
Leaving everything in your life
As you stand in the middle
Your feet firmly on the ground
In the calm
In the eye of the storm
Watching it blow
Unable to control the weather
The emotions
The power
The things flung in your direction
The things blown, lifted up from the
Foundation where they used to lay
Things you had no idea could even move
In the eye
Where things are serene
Where you can only witness
To all that rush
Viciously around you
As you grow tired
So does the storm
The winds of change dying down
Eventually loosing power and purpose
After you've watched everything shift
Everything change
Now that it has settled
Once again
Leaving only a clarity behind
A silence
A breath
A different vision
Under the now crystal clear skies
A meaning suddenly replacing the chaos
A warmth replacing the chill
A tranquility preferred
A transparency only reached
After the storm
Because it happened
Because it blew away the debris
Because you stood and faced the wind
Because you watched
It happening around you,
Instead of happening to you
You saw the beauty of the uncertainty
You see you relied on the faith that exists there.
The blessing of the chaos
The freedom of the wind
You survived
Because you were
The eye of the storm
